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    Cheap Meths

    Tow Itch
    Tow Itch
    Dandy Expert

    Posts : 3186
    Join date : 2011-06-20
    Location : Leigh Gtr Manchester

    Cheap Meths Empty Cheap Meths

    Post by Tow Itch Sun 07 May 2017, 6:11 pm

    No it's not that I think any of you have an uncontrollable drinking problem, it's that I assume some of you like me might use a odd drop of meths.
    Users of Trangia Stoves, Mamod steam engines or paraffin powered pressure lamps all need meths and it's not cheap. Most retailers; B&Q, Homebase and even local charge within pennies of £3.00. £2.99, £2.98 or whatever their own method for it doesn't quite look like £3.00 is.
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] only charge £1.00 or £0.99 or £0.98 or whatever their not quite £1.00 pricing policy might be. Alas though I've bought meths from there I didn't keep the receipt and you can't look up meths on their website.

      Current date/time is Sun 06 Oct 2024, 9:28 pm