Dandy Campers

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Dandy Campers

Dandy Trailer Tent / Folding Camper Enthusiasts. Dandy Trailer Tent/Folding camper the best for all year camping

3 posters

    Recently purchased Designer.


    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2018-08-18

    Recently purchased Designer. Empty Recently purchased Designer.

    Post by Aeronk Fri 26 Oct 2018, 10:38 am

    Purchased our designer a couple of months ago.  Done a few jobs on her and been out in it just the once so far.  Heres a list of jobs done;

    Changed side board hinges
    Changed rivets in bed catches
    Added home made saddle brackets
    Changed 12v wiring
    Changed transformer
    Added fuse board for 12v system
    Changed  one 13 amp socket for double USB type
    Added separate USB sockets
    Added shelf over kitchen
    Changed suspension
    Changed jockey wheel
    Changed breakaway cable
    Changed gas hose
    Changed door lock barrel
    Changed door retainer
    Changed transit cover bungee

    I suppose the biggest job was the suspension change but all the rest were minor maintenance jobs just to tidy her up.

    And a selection of photos used by the seller to advertise her, with some titles added by me;

    Last edited by Aeronk on Tue 27 Nov 2018, 4:19 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 1006
    Join date : 2013-01-03

    Recently purchased Designer. Empty Re: Recently purchased Designer.

    Post by navver Thu 01 Nov 2018, 8:35 pm

    That looks really good. The awning fits well and follows the roof line nicely so the door should open without hitting it.

    The small piece of cushion in the settee back should be in the sit on part. It can be lifted out to allow a small 3 way chest fridge to sit directly on the nice firm and level bed base, or cool box of course.

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2018-08-18

    Recently purchased Designer. Empty Re: Recently purchased Designer.

    Post by Aeronk Thu 01 Nov 2018, 8:39 pm

    navver wrote:That looks really good. The awning fits well and follows the roof line nicely so the door should open without hitting it.

    The small piece of cushion in the settee back should be in the sit on part. It can be lifted out to allow a small 3 way chest fridge to sit directly on the nice firm and level bed base, or cool box of course.

    Yes Navver, I tried swapping the seat cushions around but the back pice is wider (deeper) than the sitting piece and so they only fit that way around.  Not sure if there has been some kind of modification done or if that's the way this one was designed.

    Plus: The seat back frame can be shortened as there is a connection at that end with another upright that slots in giving it the reduced width.

    Posts : 1006
    Join date : 2013-01-03

    Recently purchased Designer. Empty Re: Recently purchased Designer.

    Post by navver Sat 03 Nov 2018, 8:50 pm

    That sounds odd. I know every dandy was made specifically for the owner and bespoke alterations could be done. I see the flat steps on the mudguards are non standard as well so wonder if it was for someone disabled or short. Maybe even needing some medical equipment storing there.

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2018-08-18

    Recently purchased Designer. Empty Re: Recently purchased Designer.

    Post by Aeronk Sat 03 Nov 2018, 8:54 pm

    Possibly, I don't know.
    Dandy Owner

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    Join date : 2011-06-12

    Recently purchased Designer. Empty Re: Recently purchased Designer.

    Post by Helen Mon 03 Dec 2018, 5:31 pm

    Our 91 Designer has flat top to the arches on the inside, I'm sure our daughters old Discovery was the same although yours are a bit different. It's a lovely Dandy and I'm sure you will have lots of good times making happy memories

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2018-08-18

    Recently purchased Designer. Empty Re: Recently purchased Designer.

    Post by Aeronk Mon 03 Dec 2018, 5:44 pm

    Helen wrote:Our 91 Designer has  flat top to the arches on the inside, I'm sure our daughters old Discovery was the same although yours are a bit different. It's a lovely Dandy and I'm sure you will have lots of good times making happy memories

    Yes I hope so, Helen, thanks.

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